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JUNE, 1944(2 / 2)

very few potatoes aables. one loaf of bread was moldy.

scharmije (name of new warehouse cat) t stand pepper. she sleeps i box and does her business in the wood shavings. impossible to keep her.

bad weather. tinuous bombing of pas de calais and the west coast of france.

no one buying dold even less iing.

the bottom of our black moneybox is in sight. what are we going to live o month?

yours, anne

m. frank

tuesday, june 6, 1944

my dearest kitty,

"this is d day," the bbou twelve.

"this is the day." the invasion has begun!

this m at eight the british reported heavy bombing of calais, boulogne, le havre and cherb, as well as pas de calais (as usual). further, as a precaut


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